It’s nearly over! Yes, we’re gearing down 2019. Sad? Not me!
Honestly, 2019 has been a year of very low low’s and awesome high’s.
Just to highlight the low's and high's:
LOWLIGHT: In early March of this year, I got very sick…picked up a virus…or maybe PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica)…or some sort of inflammatory disorder that causes muscle pain and weakness, and stiffness. It was a very long and painful two months in Thailand. I lost 14 pounds in that 2 months…highlight! And, I returned to Amelia Island, FL in May and went to Mayo Clinic for diagnosis and treatment. How long will this affliction last? The good news is it isn’t permanent…whew! (HIGHLIGHT!) But, will probably hang with me for another year.
I gained 8 pounds back! Hmmm….not sure if this is a low or highlight. It’s the daggone prednisone! Makes me want to eat...well, everything! If I had wallpaper, I would eat it!

Which brings me to a HIGHLIGHT! I am renting a lovely apartment and nesting for the first time in 4 years. Now, I have ONE place in which to write. I’m working on my third book, an international thriller…working title “Feint” which takes place in Kosovo, where I actually lived for about 8 months in 2017, consulting for the American University of Kosovo) and Macedonia, where I visited often. These places and my experiences inspired me. I expect “Feint” to be published and available in August 2020.
HIGHLIGHT! A literary agent/producer has indicated interest in my writing a coming-of-age memoir about my solo nomad travels! Oh my gosh! Stayed tuned!

HIGHLIGHT! This apartment, my ONE place to write, also is a perfect setting for “In the Know!” podcast show. I'm gearing up for 2020 with an expanded mission that includes interviews with writers and authors of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, blogs, and more. "In the Know!" will help interviewees reach a different audience and enhance their marketing strategies. If you would like to be interviewed, please complete this Interview Request Form and send to
So, to actually prepare for 2020, I have decided to engage in an experience, a ritual* of sorts.
Cozy, serene space where you won’t be interrupted for 33 minutes minimum.
A journal, one candle, a timer, and some white sage.
Some water or herbal tea, and a box of tissues to get in touch with your emotions and let ‘er rip!
A comfy place to sit – whether it’s on a meditation pillow, bed or yoga mat. Add pillows and blankets so you can be comfy and rest after if needed.
No phone, unless it’s your timer and then put it in airplane mode.
1. Light your candle. Tap into your higher self, guides, angels, whatever speaks to you. Say aloud an invocation. Something like:
“Oh, supreme Goddess and Higher Self, please bless me as I step into this ritual to honor 2010 to this present day. Please allow me to leave behind anything that has held me back and allow me to celebrate all that I’ve experienced. Please bring me clarity so that I may see myself and my life crystal clearly. May this ritual support me in moving powerfully forward into the new year.”
2. Now, set your timer for 11 minutes and close your eyes for silent meditation.
3. When your timer goes off, write in your journal. Capture:
Your highlights…where did you excel?
Where did you crash and burn?
What are you most proud of?
What do you want to leave in 2019?
What do you want to carry forward into 2020 because you love it so much?
4. Set your timer for another 11 minutes. Shut your eyes and concentrate. Imagine putting everything you have written in a sheer cloud, filled with golden colors. Release your beautiful cloud to your Higher Self, guides, or angels. Ask that it be released with soft elegance.
5. Celebrate the incidents for which you are most proud. Celebration can include anything that brings you joy, from solitude to dinner with friends.
6. Finally, set your timer one more time for 11 minutes. Address the final question from above: What do you want to carry forward into 2020? Make a list…be specific. And, treat this list as affirmations. That is, duplicate and hang the list everywhere: frig, mirror, on your desk, wherever you can see it the most often.
My extreme low…this illness…has set me up for incredible high’s!
I am blessed.
I will engage in this lovely ritual on New Year’s Eve day.
Join me?

*adapted from ”How to Close Out 2019 Like a Spiritual Rockstar” by Kristian Strang