After visiting 10 countries in 10 months of solo traveling in Europe, I arrived back in St. Petersburg, Florida, in late October of 2016, and was reminded of the beauty of his peninsula city, bordered with the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay.
I spent a Saturday walking along the upscale Beach Boulevard, lined with cool restaurants and shops. It's where the "swells" hang out. I also walked to the Saturday Morning Market and listened to great live music, tasted the fantastic culinary treats, bought some jewelry disigned and hand made by outstnading artists, and danced with my magnficanly tall friend dolled up in his tuxedo and top hat. I'm embarrassed to say that I have never learned his name, but I see him everywhere, at social events and private parties. All the women and children stand in line to trip the light fantastic on the dance floor with his smooth moves.
What a treat to return to my most recent home town for a couple of months before taking off for parts unknown again.
Click HERE for great photos!